Sony working on a 'different kind of Television set'

Apple is not alone in thinking seriously about reinventing TV, unveiled Sony CEO Howard Stringer.
According to Sony CEO, who spoke yesterday with The Wall Street Journal that his company has a tremendous amount of research and development goes in a different form of television. "Stringer refused to detail what his company can offer TV services.

For Stringer and Sony, there is much at stake in the television industry. In recent quarters, is his company's television operations continued to drag profits as a result of Sony loses money on every TV it sells, says Stringer. These losses have led to a number of Sony shareholders to call the company to spin off its television operations.

However, Sony has prevented the idea, deciding instead to divide the operations into three units focusing on LCD TVs, outsourcing operations, and the next generation of TV. Stringer and based on the comments, it seems many of the investments in his company dollars are thrown on the next generation of TV.

If and when Sony "another kind of television set" in the market may be forced to stand with Apple.

Last month was speculation that Apple was planning to launch its own television after it was revealed in the authorized biography of Steve Jobs', the company founder was busy with plans for an Apple set to launch.

"I want a fully integrated TV is easy to use," Jobs to his biographer Walter Isaacson. "It would be perfectly synchronized with all your equipment and to icloud. It would be the simplest user interface you would think. I've finally broken."

But Stringer do not think Apple will break into the TV room with a new idea so lightly, told the magazine that "it takes a long time to transition to a new form of television."

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