Google's chairman Eric Schmidt Insists Android Will Remain Open

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt told reporters in South Korea that Android is still free for all mobile phone manufacturers, even after the purchase of Motorola's complete.

"We want to run (Motorola) is sufficiently independent of each other, so it does not conflict with the openness of Android," Schmidt said during a press conference Tuesday, according to the Wall Street Journal.

As announced in August, Google is about to acquire Motorola Mobility 12.5 billion kronor. The takeover has raised concerns that Google could give Motorola a special treatment to succeed at the expense of the leading manufacturers like Samsung and HTC Android.

Samsung may want to make sure the home, Schmidt also praised the world's largest producer of Android for his leadership and said that it has support from Google, according to the Korea Times.

Schmidt was undoubtedly also try to get some moral support to Samsung and HTC, Apple targets for numerous patent lawsuits over the world. Apple is aggressively trying to ban the flagship products of both Android manufacturers claim that they copied the look and feel of the iPhone. In September, Google HTC five patents in the lawsuit against Apple for strength.

At the same time, Schmidt hit Microsoft for claiming Samsung copied Microsoft, in a cross-licensing agreement led in September. "Microsoft is not telling the truth," Schmidt said.

The day before, Schmidt apparently met with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and promised a YouTube channel dedicated to Korean pop music to help spread the "Korean wave" or widespread in Asia at least obsession with Korean pop culture.

After his tour of Asia Schmidt visit Taiwan, home of HTC.

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