India to get 121 million internet users by 2011

 After passing the 100 million Internet users in September, is India ready to have 121 million Internet users stabbings in December this year

With increasing Internet penetration in India is expected to reach 121 million Internet users in December 2011, according to the annual I-Cube report.

Published by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB, the report adds, "at 121 million, would be 97 million active Internet users who access the Internet at least once a month and there will be 92 million Internet users, the urban cities in the country and 29 million of the country, according to most media info.

Also this time of 97 million active Internet users, 73 million of the urban cities, while 24 million of the country.

The joint report also revealed that India has already exceeded 100 million Internet users in September.

"A 100 million Internet users considered a critical milestone for the country. This use of the Internet in India is expected to be a critical period of growth to deal with the possibility of becoming the largest Internet country in the world in this decade," the study reportedly said.

IAMAI and IMRB has recently made ??an interesting report on the active Internet users in the metros of the country. The report claimed Mumbai 8.1 million and 6.2 million active Internet users, the Internet top city in the country. Delhi NCR, which is second with 6.2 and 5.0 million active Internet users and claimed. Surprisingly, Kolkata is the third and tech city of Bangalore is at number six.

The study also showed that communities with less than 2 lakh people collectively many more Internet users than the top four metros together back.

More on India to get 121 million Internet users in 2011

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