NASA Launches Satellite Command Game for Kids

NASA has an interactive, educational video game called Network that gives kids an insider perspective of the astronauts, mission controllers and scientists communicate in space missions.

Networks can be played online, install a small browser plugin, or can be downloaded to a computer for offline games. Developed by the staff of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, the game shows how the Space Communication and Navigation (SCAN) network to function.

Players start small with a single command base on Earth and can operate on different clients Near Earth Network satellites. If they get the scientific and technological expertise to manage their network capacity and respond to calls for service, they can build a larger and more efficient network. With sufficient resources, players can get more complex clients, such as the International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope and the Kepler mission, and move into deep space.

Short interactive tutorials are provided at the beginning of the game, and further guidance will be listed as a game progresses as the system detects an action is required on the part of the player.

To play the NetworKing game, go here.

In combination with the network, 3D Resource site links visitors to the station and Spacewalk interactive games scanning interactive demo of the interaction between the scan-space land and facilities and NASA spacecraft to demonstrate.

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