Now watch 'porn movies' on Google TV

London, November 11: Vivid Entertainment, a Los Angeles adult entertainment company created by an application for Google TV, which gives users access to their porn movies, celebrity sex tapes, and other adult content in high definition (HD).

A report in the Sydney Morning Herald said Vivid Entertainment revealed, "the first TV app designed for adult content available via the new Google TV set-top device."

Steven Hirsch, Vivid's co-founder and co-chairman said in a statement that the new Google TV channel is "a central part of our silent Vivid widely available, so fans total access to our content through their personal computers, mobile devices, tablets, televisions and DVD players. "

The new app will Vivid winning adult movies, celebrity sex tapes and other content to persons over 18 years old. Meanwhile, a Google spokesman said the company ", the parental control of the devices connected to the Google TV-respect."

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