Google Maps to charge for usage

Users of Google Map links to their websites will be charged heavy use of the service, has revealed.

From first January 2012, Google will charge the Google Maps API service where more than 25,000 limit card "hits" are made in one day.

Sites, especially the travel companies use Google Maps to connect customers to the destinations they have questions.

Rumour has it that Google is charging $ 4 per 1,000 impressions across the border.

Google adheres to the high limit of 25,000 free hits before charging "will affect only 0.35% of users."
"Secure Future"

Google said it is aware that developers are using their time to evaluate whether they were affected and then intervene when necessary, are needed.

"We understand that the introduction of these limitations can be," said Thor Mitchell, product manager for Google Maps API.

"But with continued growth in adoption of the Maps API, we need long term secure future by ensuring that even when used by the largest amount of for-profit sites, the service remains viable."

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