Chinese Shenzhou craft launches on key space mission

The Shenzhou 8 spacecraft is lifted into orbit by a Long March 2F rocket

China Shenzhou 8 unmanned launch vehicle to be a major space power to decide the next step in your search.

Spacecraft in orbit aboard a Long March 2F rocket and dock Tiangong -1 where it met the laboratory, to try to start in September.

This is the first time that China will have two spacecraft have been combined.

Capacity of the countries plan to build a space station by 2020 is implemented through the need of

To the Jiuquan launch site in the Gobi Desert 05:58 Long March carrier rocket took off, Tuesday (21:58 GMT Monday). Television cameras were on the climb to orbit.

About nine minutes into the flight of Shenzhou separated from the rocket's upper stage. Confirmed that the solar panels were deployed had received it shortly after.

The Shenzhou will be in a position for a few days before docking, 340 kilometers above the Earth will occur experiments.

Vehicles will be using radar and optical sensors to calculate their proximity to each other and with their final approach and contact.

They spend 12 days orbiting the globe before they will try to separate and re-docking. Finally, Shenzhou 8 release and the return capsule for return to Earth.

This class will allow experiments to be recovered for analysis. German Space Agency, fish, plants, insects, bacteria and also for a number of biological studies with human cancer cells has made an experimental box.

1. Gong Tian Long March 2 F rocket on September -1 was started
2. Unmanned laboratory unit was a 350 km high orbit
3. 8 Shenzhou and Tiangong-1 will attempt to dock with the meeting
4. The life support system will test key technologies as
5. China to build a space station is starting around 60-2020 tons

Assuming that the company is doing well, two manned missions (9 Shenzhou and 10), probably similar in 2012 to try to dockings.

Yuhangyuans - - Chinese astronauts for up to two weeks aboard vehicles are expected to be combined. The Chinese media are speculating that one of these missions, it can become a woman to take the first yuhangyuan.

10.5 Long Tiangong 1 module was launched on 29 September and is well-spent, according to Chinese officials.

Shenzhou 8 is slightly lower than his work with the car in preparation for the upcoming concert rotated 180 degrees

Beijing to the next stage in step-by-step approach to manned space operations, the acquisition of skills is seen as the Shenzhou Tian Gong and bunks.

It is a learning curve that China hopes will eventually lead to the creation of a space station, beginning late in the decade.

At almost 60 tons in mass, the next a 400 - ton international order U.S., Russia, Europe, Canada and Japan, directed by stage, but less than mere presence in the air station would still constitute a remarkable achievement.

Concept picture describes a kernel module, about 20 to 22 tons, is flanked by two smaller ships laboratory.

Officials say the robot, the International Space (ISS) station today, fuel, food, water, air and keep out of the parts will be delivered by cargo ships like cargo.

Billions of dollars invested in China's space program.

Tue planet should see the first round next week - Yinghuo 1 - begins its journey to the red planet.

Asian countries also have their own satellite navigation system called Beidou-Compass are transmitted.

There are big rockets. Long March 5 will be able, for the low-Earth orbit are more than 20 tons. The promise muscles, again, there is a need to build a space station.

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