Now, ‘robot legs’ that improve movement in stroke patients

London, Sept 24: Dutch engineers have developed robotic exoskeleton 'legs' to improve the free movement of stroke patients.

The prototype device, called Lower-extremity Powered Exoskeleton or LOPES, works by training the mind and body of a patient to a more natural step back.

The machine, developed by engineers at the University of Twente in Enschede in the Netherlands over several years, will also be tested on spinal cord injuries in patients who already have some limited movement found in their legs.

Designed for the clinic, it is not a mobile device, it supports the patient when they walk on a treadmill.

It can make all the running for the patient, or it can be oriented support in both legs, or a portion of the running process to offer. The machine can also discover what the patient is doing wrong.

"For example, some people do not lift their feet properly. What this device does is it detects that the foot does not lift properly," BBC quoted Dr. Edwin Asseldonk working on the project, as saying.

"It should be compared with a reference pattern and then exerts a force or torque to the patient to help make it," he explained.

By Dr. Assledonk believe that by physically show how well the patients, the machine can help them develop brain signals required to drive a better move.

It is hoped that a commercial version may be available to rehabilitation centers around the world early next year. (ANI)

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