Free wi-fi promotion launched in central London

Nokia is a free service in central London for a test of WI-Fi is enabled.

From now until the end of 2011, the public parts of the phone company courtesy of the city will be able to use high-speed service.

If the test is considered a breakthrough in two-month period, the Finnish company in early 2012 to develop a completely free service is planned to convert to WI-FI.

See London teems with many of the initiatives that ultimately will offer just browsing is free hotspots.
Run Test

Nokia service hotspots began the 26's and largely support is concentrated in the West End shopping. Victoria, Marylebone, Westminster and the access points. The company said that people do not register or use the WI-Fi to be logged in to.

Nokia is set to offer the largest such project. It is said that Africa and India, where telecommunications infrastructure is poor, consider repeating the exercise for the city.

Hotspots owned and operated by Spectrum Interactive Project partners will be located on the phone. It is said that full service would mean over-use of its London branch in 1000.

"In the process we will use to help people to understand, so we can improve the future," said Craig Hepburn, Nokia's director of digital and social media.

Free WI-Fi is already widely known in London. In particular, the financial district in London, Square Mile, free WI-Fi provided by cloud for years.

Central London via the free WI-Fi access points available in stores are usually solitary, hotels, pubs and bars. Providers, including BT, the free WI-Fi wireless customers use their own brand in addition to a number of services.

Fragmented nature of existing services to Greater London's busiest streets for the establishment of municipalities with free WI-Fi has led the Authority is encouraged. Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster for WI-Fi Hammersmith and Fulham and other areas thought to be in the final stages of negotiations for projects.

There is WI-Fi at London Underground stations have been in constant dialogue with the passengers to surf the web while waiting for a car.

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