Average Facebook User Has 130 friends

Without doubt the biggest game-changer online in the last five years social media. The growth with that of the major players in the online space is awesome, and leaders in the field is Facebook, the world's largest social networks. Facebook is so popular that it is redefining how we interact in the 21st century, some may see this new paradigm as a social threat, while most in the industry as a possibility.

A gender perspective, it is easy to see why this opinion is shaped by many people. Facebook is now 800 million active users strong, and incredibly, 200 million of those users added in 2011 and the year is not finished. If the monthly growth keeps up, Facebook still add another 30 million users, so easy. And while the social network grows especially outside the U.S. figures could very well come to fruition.

Facebook is able to redefine the interaction is mainly due to the way users view their social networks. Average Facebook users have about 130 friends and more than half of the 800 million users log on to Facebook every day. So not only heavy users of the network, they are very active, almost Facebook therapy and religious ritual fire. Advertisers and marketers know that when you tap into this 'culture' of interaction, the financial rewards are unlimited, and that's the main reason Facebook is worth so much.

Do you think obsessive Facebook use is bad for society? Share your thoughts below.

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