Google's Share Of China's Search Market Has Fallen From 30% To 18%

Now 77.7% revenue share and Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) 18.3%, in the search engine the Chinese market, based on third quarter 2011 data from iResearch.

Approximately one and a half years ago, Google engaged in a public conflict with the Chinese government refuses to censor search results and redirecting traffic to the China Hong Kong office to continue. During this period, Baidu had 10% market share, while Google has lost 11%.

Although Google and Baidu both generates almost all of their revenue on search advertising, their paths also explained by Google as more of a technology company, Baidu and more momentum in the media.

Recent data do iResearch earlier media reports that Sogou, a search engine Sohu (Nasdaq: Sohu) was surpassed by Google in China seems unlikely. By income, Sogou still ranks a distant third at 2.1%.

Q3 total sales reached 5.5 billion RMB search (USD 866 million), up 78% over the same period last year. Search Engine sales increased by a boom in e-commerce advertising spending in the past year.

iResearch data comes from the company's financial reports and estimates of its own tracking systems.

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