Samsung releases Galaxy Nexus smartphone

South Korean electronics giant Samsung has unveiled its new smartphone Galaxy Nexus, which will be the first model is powered by the latest version of Google's Android operating system called Ice Cream Sandwich is.

The handset will directly seek to compete with the recently launched Apple iPhone 4S, which has sold more than more than 4 million units. The smartphone, which is published at an event in Hong Kong on Wednesday.

While speaking at the event, says Google CEO Andy Rubin, the Ice Cream Sandwich innovation system shows "that works on phones and tablets and everything in between."

The new platform will be the issue of fragmentation in the Android platform. The new version of Android will work on both smartphones and tablet PCs. He said that the features, including Android and Beam Face Lock showcase of the platform.

Samsung executives said Galaxy Nexus will go on sale in November in the U.S., Europe and Asia, including China and Japan. The company announced no pricing information AHD eh smartphone.

Samsung and Google had plans to Ice Cream Sandwich and the new unit in San Diego to start on 11 in October. But the two companies decided to postpone the launch as the world paid homage to the Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, who died last week.

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