Google's search algorithm suggests 'Romney can't win' 2012 Presidential election

London, 29 October (ANI): mysterious search results from Google's algorithm has apparently decided that the U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney a poor chance of winning the election in 2012.

When a user enters the word "Romney can win" in the search, spell check function responds with the message "Did you mean: Romney can not win?" CBS News reports.

The former governor of Massachusetts is the only candidate to suffer from the search engine glitch.

Google has insisted that nothing personally against Romney, and it's just a bug in the system.

"Our Spell Check feature is automated, and while no algorithm is perfect, we are always working on our quest to improve quality," a Google spokesman.

"Last year we have about 500 improvements to our search algorithm launched," the spokesman increasing.

According to the report, the results show a series of articles speculating on the chances of Romney in the presidential election race.

Some top results include MSNBC blog:. "Why Romney can not win in 2012" and a Fox News article entitled, "Christie" Can this election to win, we can not have four years with Barack Obama 'Romney. "(ANI)

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