The Google TV Box Without Rooting It will be hacking

Continuation of my potential destruction of Benjy's worth of gear, I pressed "fn" key and left arrow key and the recovery menu. I chose "update will apply from sdcard: /" with "Enter" key on your keyboard. "OK" button between the arrows did not work. The case went through several boots and setup for a new, revised logo was. My TV was now a large tablet - I had hoped.

Day 1: Install Honeycomb
I have long been of the opinion that the most effective way to get Internet-based content on a TV easily connect a laptop to your flat panel monitor with an HDMI cable. The laptop serves as an oversized remote control. You get a full flash-based web browser, hard drive and keyboard on your TV.

It is not lean-back interface you get with a cable or satellite subscription, but you have an a la carte programming available via web-browser streaming services like YouTube, Hulu, Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) and others.

"Set-top" products out there that a copy of the cable as a lean-back experience with Internet-based streaming services. They include U.S. $ 59 Roku and Boxee D-Link, among others.

However, none of them being ad-supported service Hulu to see - they force you into a $ 7.99 one month Hulu "Plus" service, and none of them a solution that allows you to watch a Slingbox. The Slingbox place-shifting device that allows you to stream individual "roll" a power over the Internet from a TV source to another location.

It looked like it might change. Google came a year ago with a "set top" of Android-based product called "Google TV", which appeared at least one of these problems, it featured a Chrome browser. Hulu is visible through Chrome.

Does this not say that for a couple hundred dollars I could bury a box in my TV stand that would allow me to regain my laptop? Well, the answer was "No", because when Hulu blocked Google's products access to streams, along with CBS and others.

Price Reduction
I've forgotten my Google search and television through the years - came back on my laptop forever tied to television - and two things caught my attention. First cut Logitech, a manufacturer of the device from Google, prices from $ 249 to $ 99, the second, rumors began that the original semi-failed and poorly evaluated software would soon be upgraded to Honeycomb (Android 3.1 - the flagship Android.)

This meant that a possible solution for my laptop claw-back may be paid, and if it was like Honeycomb on a tablet, infinitely customizable - just like a PC.

The hackers
I started researching and discovered a group of developers inhabit a forum and a wiki called "GTVHacker." This band of modders had successfully rooted Logitech box, giving full control of installed programs, and later had stumbled on a leaked early version of the eternally deferred Honeycomb upgrade and was unofficially came to work on the box. Honeycomb on your TV? Was a TV not a huge tablet waiting to happen?

I chose the leaked Honeycomb update route for my efforts, instead of root. The root user pre-Froyo Android 2.1 and requires some soldering on a virgin box - a box that has never been updated. Although I bought a virgin Logitech Revue Google TV box, my last soldering project - on a smartphone GPS chip - the unit always causes overheating. I decided to play safe with my now relatively more discount $ 89 box.

The first thing I did after shopping it was something to connect my TV to the original software. Netflix reportedly worked well, although I try, You Tube and worked well. CBS-owned Clicker app would not let me see the latest CBS 'person of interest. "As I know, Hulu is not.

After about five minutes of messing with this disappointing experience, I have a FAT32 formatted USB drive and loaded with the drained, long known windedly update file. As recommended, I renamed the file "".

Following the instructions GTVHacker, along with scary disclaimers about bricking the box, no way to go back and so I began to Logitech Revue with connected USB. Waited two seconds and pressed the button "Connect". I leave for boot logo, automatic restart and get back to the logo, at which time, advised by the hackers, I had the "Connect" button. An arrow and a 'roll barbershop "showed up.

Continuation of my potential destruction of Benjy's worth of gear, I pressed "fn" key and left arrow key and the recovery menu. I chose "update will apply from sdcard: /" with "Enter" key on your keyboard. "OK" button between the arrows did not work. The case went through several boots and setup for a new, revised logo was in that moment I knew that I had a successful update. My TV was now a large tablet - I had hoped.

Stay tuned: The next phase of my plan would be to figure out how to get apps and content on Logitech Revue Google TV box. The leaked Honeycomb 3.1 operating system was now, for all purposes to run a giant honeycomb tablet.

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