Now Weather Layer in Google Maps
Google Map
Google has the task of planning the journey easier for us as its newest service offering, the weather layer on Google Maps. So now users can understand, roads and trails, along with its pre-warned about the climatic conditions, says the official Google Blog.
This layer will notify users of temperatures and conditions of the most remote places in the world. These conditions will be shown at on a map of the desired location. As is the case with conventional weather forecasts, this will be the layer clouds, rain, sun, etc. indicate using different symbols. addition, Google will provide information on cloud coverage available from the U.S. Naval Research Lab. In addition, the card or the day or night at the selected location using the sun and moon symbols. This will not only help to pre-plan the trip to a distant place but also allows users to find the weather for the location of friends and family around the world.
What's more, the layer also detailed along with fundamental assumptions. These additional data include humidity and wind along with the weather forecast for the next four days. A click on the icon of a city will again provide access to additional information.
In addition, the left panel to make certain adjustments such as selecting units for wind speed in mph, km per hour and Mps, and the temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius. There is also an option to either to or from the clouds to zoom out.
Weather layers can be added through options in the widget at the top of Google Maps.
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