Microsoft jumps into social networking

Microsoft says it is not intended to replace Facebook or Twitter, but it will explore the possibilities of social search for learning and so it is limited to certain universities now

NEW YORK, USA: Microsoft, which is a small part of Facebook possession, dipped his toe in the private online social scene this week with a low-key unveiling of its (pronounced "social") service.

The site, which is for students to share interesting discoveries online, looks like a strange mix of Facebook and Google.

At this time Microsoft limited to certain universities, and is a mixture of web browsing, search (Bing, of course) and networks - including what it calls "video party".

Developed by Microsoft FUSE Labs, is "an experimental study to investigate the possibilities of social search for learning."

In fact, Microsoft is trying to build on the fact that many students who are seeking the same sort of thing online and it gives them a way to gather and share their results with other members interested in the same academic environment.

We will see if the young users of such a lofty goal.

Microsoft says that it is not intended to Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to replace or substitute for search engines. Actually, you should log in with your Facebook account.

Until now, Microsoft will reduce at the University of Washington, Syracuse University, New York University and a few other schools. But it says that anyone who wants more involved in the project, the e-mail

Will the first step of a larger social project underway at Microsoft? It is something that is not willing to share.

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