Apple’s New CDMA iPhone 4 comes to Verizon from 10th Feb

We've waited and waited, and now Apple and Verizon have made a million dreams come true: the iPhone is coming to Big Red. After talking up his new LTE network a bit, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam confirmed a CDMA (non-LTE) version of the iPhone 4 is coming to Verizon Wireless next month.
"Verizon Wireless customers have told us they can't wait to get their hands on iPhone 4, and we think they are going to love it," Cook said. "We have enormous respect for the company Verizon has built and the loyalty they have earned from their customers."
The CDMA iPhone 4 features a 5 megapixel camera with LED flash, HD video recording, Apple's A4 chip, a 3-axis gyro and a glass and stainless steel design like no other mobile phone. iPhone 4 also comes with iOS 4, the world's most advanced mobile operating system, which includes multitasking, folders, Game Center, AirPlay and AirPrint wireless printing.
We've read reams of speculation about the Verizon iPhone, and McAdam obviously knows how to work a crowd. He set the stage by noting that, "We've made network quality the hallmark of the Verizon brand" and that Verizon has "the only infrastructure that's future-proof, and we can deliver high-def and 3-D content over the 3-G system robustly." It was an unmistakeable dig at the data and call-drop woes that the iPhone has caused AT&T and a subtle promise that the mobile broadband future that Apple helped usher in will work reliably on Verizon's network.

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